post k3 utk hri nie..alhmdulillah pnantian slma 3bulan tlah tbe,,kputusan SPM kuar 230311...b4 that,,wnna wish hppy btdy kt my kzen k.bie (Nik Mardiyah) & my senior k.husna...may Allah bless both of u.okey,strate to da point..tpat jam 1tgh hari,,clon2 spm10 dkhendaki k dwan tbuka mrkk bg mngetahui rzut msing2.kmi da sdia mklum sal analisis rzut,,sorg dpat 11A,8A 2org dpat 5A....yg 11A tuu mmg da djgka spe...& jgkaan tuu tpat bile kputusan diumumkan oleh cg Amizu slaku guru SPM...
11A -Nabilah Bt Mat Nor (9A+ 2A)
8A - Syalena Afifie Bt Shaleh
5A - Wan Ismail & Siti Zubaidah
4A (6org),3A (11org)
tuulaa antara2 rzut SPM10....cngrtz kt membe2 bella,,xpecially bst stdnt nbilah & sylena...both of u dserve it!!!my rzut tsenarai dlm 6org tuu...alhmdulillah cmpat kutip staro tuu je,,bella tau usaha bella staro mn so bella dpat staro tuu jah laa...syukur pd Illahi cz sbjct yg trget dpat A xpecially account & bat...2lg bhs mlayu & science.cume ad rs frust gk cz i got B+ for economy & quran sunnah.namun ttap gk bsyukur,,Alhmdulillah,Alhmdulillah,Alhmdulillah.kmana hala tujuku??angan2 nk g jauh tringin nk g j0rdan tp its juz angan2...& i've to forget about my wallahua'lam,,still in dscussion...dillema & cnfius..juz wait & istikhoroh lu,,hoping that i'll make the bst dcision insya'Allah...amin Ya Rabb.syukran jzillan kt ayh & mama sbb bg bella skongan & pluang utk bella blaja,bg didikan,syukran kt my sblings cz da bg nsihat kngsi ilmu xpecially my 3rd br0 (sein) thanks so much...ilmu yg diajar mlm b4 mth brhasil wlaupun bella xdpat A for mth but i got B for mth..thats btter than my trial (failed),,kt ank branok pn timo kasih laa dk v drongan k bella.xlupe thanks gk kt para pendidik rhmaniah,mts,syp1,sria & pasti p.pekan sbb sudi mncurahkan ilmu kpd dri nie...thanks gk kt snior2 xpecially dear sis ftimah sbb byk bg bella nsihat & kngsi ilmu,,kak2 laen & snior2 laen srta membe2 bella...syukran a'la kulli hal.
papepn mhon doa dr kalian,,tlum doakan mga bella dpat bt kputusan tbaek & dpat twaran dlm bdng yg ingin bella ceburi...skian shj bt hari nie,,all da bst kt clon2 the bst k! psanan bella jg dri & jg amal. -wslm-
yeah.. bersyukur seadanya.. tahniah3.. pendidik mrkk..
bella, tahniah neh for ur result:)
u've done a great job.inshaALLAH kalau bkn skrg maybe Allah nk wi straight result time di universiti. He knows the best~
joooordan. haha
sis : syukran a'la kulli hal
k.njwa : syukran,,insya'Allah
kriey : insya'Allah..hu3
Once we are successful, then we know how important that those around us this .. the amplifier and the inspiration ..
btol x??
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